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Long-term value for all customers

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Your partner for the
next big leap

Expand Your Boundaries with Giuseppe Cicore

Follow me and I will show you how you can build a passive income with US Real Estate while remaining comfortably in Italy and obtaining ROIs that exceed 17%

Who I am

During my career I have also had the opportunity to act as a broker and analyst for real estate funds of large international insurance and banking companies.


What I do

With my JCGREI 2.0 project  , I have specialized over the years in investments in  residential properties , accessible and specifically designed to guarantee maximum returns.


My story My book

Over the years I have had the pleasure and honor of training with internationally renowned figures in the field of personal growth and financial education.


Industries we cover for

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This goal reflects our growth strategy, our purpose, our core values and our culture of shared success.

Creating long-term value.

People Value

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Client Value

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Societal Value

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Constantly coming up with new creative ideas Constantly coming up with new creative ideas Constantly coming up with new creative ideas Constantly coming up with new creative ideas Constantly coming up with new creative ideas
Constantly coming up with new creative ideas Constantly coming up with new creative ideas Constantly coming up with new creative ideas Constantly coming up with new creative ideas Constantly coming up with new creative ideas

We’ve created the resources you need to help you thrive.


Founders You Want to Invest


Touching Two Worlds


The Entrepreneur’s Guide


Contribute to Business Success?


Ready to you see yourself in a new way?


Asset Management Tool


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